Constant Contact

It is important for every and we mean every small business to reach their audience where they are. Email Marketing remains to be one of the best and most affordable tools to do this. This is why The Funk and Jackson Group, LLC has collaborated with Constant Contact to help you do what you need to do, to grow your business.
CTCT_LocalExpert_Lockup_72How have we done this?

The owner Amanda is an Authorized Local Expert through Constant Contact. This means she has demonstrated an expertise in Email Marketing along with the wiliness to educate others on best practices when it comes to marketing and growing a small business. Amanda when through training and testing that proved she really knows her stuff. We are so proud that she has proven herself not only to a nationally recognized company but to her clients every day.

What does this mean for you?

Through our partnership, we have access to expert data and discounts on the software not available to the general public. Go ahead, leverage our connections to grow your business while saving some money.

Also since Amanda is a local expert, she can offer you hands-on guidance through free classes or direct coaching. Your choice, do what makes sense for your business. Our partnership with Constant Contact will enable you to grow your business with one of the best marketing tools out there, beyond that, they offer an incomparable ROI of $40/$1! That’s like winning $40 with every $1 scratch-off you buy. Who can walk away from that kind of growth in their business?

How do you get this kind of marketing powerhouse tool? Easy, Sing up here: